Established to build the capacity of students, teachers, and administrators by leveraging technology in schools, the TechRow Fund is excited to announce the launch of the AR/VR Fund for Change.

Program in a Nutshell

Successful applicants will become a part of a learning cohort that will be connected to field mentors, provided with AR/VR equipment, and receive a stipend to support their efforts to address a pressing global issue through technology.


To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be a current high school student

  • Have an excellent academic record

  • Be able to demonstrate academic record

  • Be able to demonstrate proven experience with and leadership in VR/AR technology

The program is open to qualified students who meet the above criteria and we strongly encourage students from historically underrepresented groups, including Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, or Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, to apply.